Mission Statement
The mission of the Scranton Public Theatre is to produce educational, original, and important dramatic and other performing arts works that will stimulate, foster, and channel creative, dramatic, and performing arts in the region. The Public Theatre’s goal is to express ourselves through the multimedia forms of stage, film, print, radio, television, and music. It is also the Theatre’s goal to foster a cultural atmosphere that will raise the cultural consciousness of our region through the professional development of the arts, which in essence means the creation of job opportunities in the arts.
About Us
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the website of the Scranton Public Theatre. For over four decades, we have provided the people of Northeastern PA with the best professional theatre of which we are capable. Our productions have played all over the region. We have spent millions of dollars on artists, technicians, performing arts spaces, and the many businesses who have helped us provide the high quality of the theatre that has become our trademark. Our productions number in the 100’s, our performances number in the thousands. From original works to established works, entertaining our audiances has been our main goal. We realize that if we can entertain, we can educate as well. So in the last several years, most of our programs have been centered on education by encouraging young people to write, act in plays that have been produced by students in conjunction with established professionals.
We are extremely proud of our achievements, some of which are highlighted on this website. We have many people to thank for helping us get to where we are today, too many to mention here. We are also proud of our roots in this great region of PA and promise to continue our work until all is said and done.
Please enjoy your stay with us, and if you are so moved, please help us promote our programs beyond this great valley.
All the best.
Bob Shlesinger
Executive Director, Scranton Public Theatre